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The Dream Handbook: The Ultimate Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams

The Dream Handbook: The Ultimate Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams

Anderson, Jane Teresa

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Synopsis We all dream - and quite often we wonder if our dreams mean anything. As it turns out . . . they do! Your dreams contain wisdom and insight about your waking life - that's why they are so important. Using The Dream Handbook you can discover the meaning of your dreams and nightmares, and then apply the dream alchemy practices to create positive life change.

The Dream Handbook will help you:

Stop uncomfortable recurring dreams
Identify emotional obstacles and release them
Create more fulfilling relationships
Discover your talents and life purpose
Heal the past
Work with the emotions and feelings in your dreams
Transform fearful dreams into loving visions
Tap into your creative source
Identify your spiritual lessons and move forward
Use your dreams to strike personal and spiritual gold
Design your own dream alchemy practices
Auteur Anderson, Jane Teresa
Editeur Piatkus
Année 2018
Format In-8
Reliure relié(s)
Volume 1
Langue Anglais
ISBN-13 9780349420318
ISBN-10 0349420319
Réf. interne 463183
Commentaire 368 pages
Tous les livres de la rubrique
Wolynn, Mark
Très bon 
Piscione, Marion
Très bon 
Cotinat, Martine
Très bon 
Waldinger, Robert
The Dream Handbook: The Ultimate Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams
The Dream Handbook: The Ultimate Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams
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