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SAP Administration - Practical Guide

SAP Administration - Practical Guide

Schreckenbach, Sebastian

SAP Press
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Synopsis Use step-by-step instructions to increase the efficiency of your daily work Learn from hundreds of screenshots and numerous checklists Discover tips and tricks for both routine and special activities This administrator's guide explains the tasks that you have to accomplish in order to master the administration of SAP systems. Click-by-click and with numerous screenshots, you will learn about all work processes that are relevant to everyday practice: routine and special tasks, administration with SAP Solution Manager, and the administration of operating systems, databases, and authorizations. The book is based on SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP 7.0/7.1, and is applicable to users of earlier and later releases. Routine and Special Administration Tasks Learn about every administration task, from daily jobs to system recovery steps that must be performed after a serious system failure. Practical Knowledge Benefit from descriptions that focus on real-life duties, with background information that will help you to better accomplish your tasks. Detailed Click-by-Click Instructions Explore detailed step-by-step instructions, illustrated by screenshots.

This enables you to easily understand the processes and reproduce them in your system. Checklists, Transactions, Forms, and More Download all checklists for critical tasks or for a security strategy from the book. The appendices also contain helpful lists with transactions and tables, as well as predefined forms.
Auteur Schreckenbach, Sebastian
Editeur SAP Press
Année 2011
Format In-8
Reliure relié(s)
Volume 1
Langue Anglais
ISBN-13 9781592293834
ISBN-10 1592293832
Réf. interne 462433
Commentaire 880 pages
Tous les livres de la rubrique
Sellos, Sara
Très bon 
Evans, Eric
Rose, Stéphane
SAP Administration - Practical Guide
SAP Administration - Practical Guide
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