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Rauschenberg Overseas Culture Interchange
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Synopsis The Rauschenberg Overseas Culture Interchange, or ROCI (pronounced “Rocky,” the name of the artist’s pet turtle), was a tangible expression of Robert Rauschenberg’s (1925–2008) long-term commitment to human rights and to the freedom of artistic expression. Funded almost entirely by the artist himself, Rauschenberg traveled to countries around the world often where artistic experimentation had been suppressed with the purpose of sparking a dialogue and achieving a mutual understanding through the creative process. Between 1985 and 1990, the project was realized in 10 countries in the following order: Mexico, Chile, Venezuela, China, Tibet, Japan, Cuba, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), Germany and Malaysia, with a final exhibition held in 1991 at the National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC.
This catalog is the only in-print publication on Rauschenberg’s ROCI initiative, making it an invaluable text for understanding this important and long-running project.
Auteur José Castañal, Oona Doyle, Lian Giloth.Text by Hiroko Ikegami.Interview by Julia Blaut, Alvaro Barrington.Case studies by Sophie Taylor.
Editeur Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac
Année 2024
Format In-4
Reliure relié(s)
Volume 1
Langue Français
ISBN-13 9781739651664
ISBN-10 1739651669
Réf. interne 461424
Tous les livres de la rubrique
Maya Boyd (Introduction), Renu Kashyap (Producteur)
Très bon 
Ferrand, Franck
Très bon 
Horticolor (Sous la direction de)
Comme neuf 
Rauschenberg Overseas Culture Interchange
Rauschenberg Overseas Culture Interchange
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