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La Main (et) Le Gant

La Main (et) Le Gant


Scheidegger & Spiess
Etat des livres 
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Synopsis French-language edition of a study of our centuries-old captivation with the human hand in art. The human hand, flexible, mobile, and sensitive, is a fascinating and unique part of nature. Its shape and its practical as well as social function have inspired countless artists throughout history. This book explores representations of the human hand, and the glove as its accessory of choice, in art from the seventeenth century until today. Richly illustrated, it offers a panorama of periods and media such as drawing, printmaking, painting, video, and sculpture that demonstrates the creative and metaphorical power of the human hand as a motif in art. The essays explore the rich and varied symbolism surrounding hands and gloves and, in particular, throw new light on the work of Austrian expressionist painter Oskar Kokoschka (1886-1980). For Kokoschka, the topic of human hands was of remarkable importance. Throughout his career, they often appear in the foreground of his works, oversized, in dynamic, active postures, and as instruments of expression. They embody Kokoschka's attention to the human figure, the indisputable backbone of his thought and art.
Auteur collectif
Editeur Scheidegger & Spiess
Année 2024
Format In-8
Reliure broché(s)
Volume 1
Langue Français
ISBN-13 9783858818935
ISBN-10 3858818933
Réf. interne 456927
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collectif yakafokon
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La Main (et) Le Gant
La Main (et) Le Gant
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