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Italy's Christian Democracy: The Catholic Encounter With Political Modernity

Italy's Christian Democracy: The Catholic Encounter With Political Modernity

Forlenza, Rosario

Oxford University Press
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Synopsis The first comprehensive study of Italian Christian Democracy in English, Italy's Christian Democracy unravels the encounter between Catholicism and democracy from pre-unification Italy in the eighteenth century to the near-present. Forlenza and Thomassen put the triumphant emergence of the Christian Democratic political party that ruled Italy from 1948 to 1994 into historical perspective. With a focus on critical moments of modern Italian history – the Enlightenment and French Revolution, the Risorgimento, World War I, the fascist period, World War II, the post-war Republic – Italy's Christian Democracy demonstrates the often-dramatic ways in which Catholic thinkers, from laymen to priests and bishops, sought to interpret and direct democratic thought and practice in line with Catholic ethics. The Christian Democracy was much more than reactionary politics – namely a sincere attempt to integrate a religious worldview into modern politics. Contrary to a purely secular reading, the authors demonstrate that the Catholic embrace of political modernity and democracy emerged as a historically significant alternative to both fascism and socialism, liberalism and conservativism, attempting to re-anchor democracy, justice, and freedom in a religiously argued ethos.

Italy's Christian Democracy contributes to existing scholarship by stressing two interrelated aspects crucial for a better understanding of the role that Catholicism and Christian Democracy have played in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries: the political dimension of transcendence and spirituality and the transformative power of historical experiences and events. The narrative considers the religious and spiritual impulse behind Christian democratic thought, framing Christian Democracy as a distinct form of "political spirituality".

Offering a novel historical narrative, Italy's Christian Democracy stresses the contemporary relevance of the nexus between Christianity and modern politics: the current spread of identity politics and the increasing use of religion in political and public discourse, recently appropriated by new populist parties and movements, in Italy and beyond.
Auteur Forlenza, Rosario
Editeur Oxford University Press
Année 2024
Format In-8
Reliure relié(s)
Volume 1
Langue Français
ISBN-13 9780198859864
ISBN-10 0198859864
Réf. interne 457534
Commentaire 288 pages - Language ‏ : ‎ English Hardcover
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Italy's Christian Democracy: The Catholic Encounter With Political Modernity
Italy's Christian Democracy: The Catholic Encounter With Political Modernity
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