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Healing the Soul of a Woman Study Guide: How to Overcome Your Emotional Wounds

Healing the Soul of a Woman Study Guide: How to Overcome Your Emotional Wounds

Meyer, Joyce

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Synopsis Can a woman who has been deeply hurt by life's circumstances, or even a man she loved and trusted, be healed? Can her heart and soul be healed? Can she love and trust again? As a woman who endured years of abuse, abandonment, and betrayal by those closest to me, my answer is "yes!"

You deserve this life simply because you are God's beloved. In this companion study guide, I will offer encouraging Biblical wisdom, inspirational scripture, and thought-provoking exercises. I'll share what I've learned on my journey, and the life-changing teachings of the Bible, in hopes that you will once again believe that a more joyful, peaceful, hopeful life is possible for you. God can heal all pain, and He wants to do this in you. You are valued. You are loved unconditionally. And you are priceless in God's eyes.
Auteur Meyer, Joyce
Editeur FaithWords
Année 2018
Format In-8
Reliure broché(s)
Volume 1
Langue Anglais
ISBN-13 9781546011781
ISBN-10 1546011781
Réf. interne 461246
Commentaire 128 pages langue : anglais
Meyer, Joyce

Tous les livres de la rubrique
Wolynn, Mark
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Piscione, Marion
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Waldinger, Robert
Healing the Soul of a Woman Study Guide: How to Overcome Your Emotional Wounds
Healing the Soul of a Woman Study Guide: How to Overcome Your Emotional Wounds
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