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Don't Forget To Check Your Flies: The Memoirs of a Dancer

Don't Forget To Check Your Flies: The Memoirs of a Dancer

Arthur Wilman

Matchstick Literary
Etat des livres 
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Synopsis From touring in Variety To the excitement of opening nights in the West End From working with amateurs in a back street Church Hall To the thrill of working in Live Television From travelling all over the country in Farce To playing Shakespeare in a North London cellar. Arthur Wilman has done it all - and more and in his book, he tells us the whole story. His title is borrowed from the advice which might be given to every male performer before he ever sets foot on stage, "Don't Forget To Check Your Flies".

Auteur Arthur Wilman
Editeur Matchstick Literary
Année 2018
Format In-8
Reliure broché(s)
Volume 1
Langue Anglais
ISBN-13 9781642544015
ISBN-10 1642544019
Réf. interne 460974
Commentaire 570 pages - Langue : Anglais
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Don't Forget To Check Your Flies: The Memoirs of a Dancer
Don't Forget To Check Your Flies: The Memoirs of a Dancer
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