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Demanding the Impossible: A History of Anarchism

Demanding the Impossible: A History of Anarchism

Marshall, Peter

PM Press
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Synopsis Navigating the broad "river of anarchy," from Taoism to Situationism, from Ranters to Punk rockers, from individualists to communists, from anarcho-syndicalists to anarcha-feminists, Demanding the Impossible is an authoritative and lively study of a widely misunderstood subject. It explores the key anarchist concepts of society and the state, freedom and equality, authority and power, and investigates the successes and failure of the anarchist movements throughout the world. While remaining sympathetic to anarchism, it presents a balanced and critical account. It covers not only the classic anarchist thinkers, such as Godwin, Proudhon, Bakunin, Kropotkin, Reclus and Emma Goldman, but also other libertarian figures, such as Nietzsche, Camus, Gandhi, Foucault and Chomsky. No other book on anarchism covers so much so incisively.

In this updated edition, a new epilogue examines the most recent developments, including "post-anarchism" and "anarcho-primitivism" as well as the anarchist contribution to the peace, green and Global Justice movements.

Demanding the Impossible is essential reading for anyone wishing to understand what anarchists stand for and what they have achieved. It will also appeal to those who want to discover how anarchism offers an inspiring and original body of ideas and practices which is more relevant than ever in the twenty-first century.

Auteur Marshall, Peter
Editeur PM Press
Année 2010
Format In-8
Reliure broché(s)
Volume 1
Langue Anglais
ISBN-13 9781604860641
ISBN-10 1604860642
Réf. interne 461754
Commentaire 818 pages - Langue : Anglais
Tous les livres de la rubrique
tonic, francois
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Demanding the Impossible: A History of Anarchism
Demanding the Impossible: A History of Anarchism
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