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Cell Workout: At home, no equipment, bodyweight exercises and workout plans for your small space

Cell Workout: At home, no equipment, bodyweight exercises and workout plans for your small space

Flanders, L J

Hodder & Stoughton
Etat des livres 
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Synopsis CELL WORKOUT is a bodyweight training guide devised from a prison cell but accessible to anyone who wants to get fit in a small space using no specialist equipment.

Using your own body weight - the oldest exercise equipment out there - CELL WORKOUT guides you through understanding how to make bodyweight training work for you, helping you to achieve any personal training goal or maintain a healthy physical condition.

With workouts for those of varying ability and fitness, the step-by-step exercise instructions and accompanying photographs for LJ's 10 Week Cell Workout are easy to follow and tailor to you, improving all aspects of your physical fitness
Auteur Flanders, L J
Editeur Hodder & Stoughton
Année 2016
Format In-4
Reliure broché(s)
Volume 1
Langue Anglais
ISBN-13 9781473656017
ISBN-10 147365601X
Réf. interne 461471
Commentaire 224 pages - Langue : Anglais
Defoe Daniel
Très bon 
Rebecca Flanders

Tous les livres de la rubrique
Harry Harris
Cell Workout: At home, no equipment, bodyweight exercises and workout plans for your small space
Cell Workout: At home, no equipment, bodyweight exercises and workout plans for your small space
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