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Blue Sky Through the Window of a Moving Car: Comics for beautiful, awful and ordinary days

Blue Sky Through the Window of a Moving Car: Comics for beautiful, awful and ordinary days

Bolton, Jordan

Ebury Press
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Synopsis There is poetry in every day.

Most of life is made up of mundane moments on ordinary days. But every moment, every good day, bad day, and average day, had to happen exactly the way that it did for you to exist. Everything that made you, connects us all in small, invisible, and beautiful ways.

Artist Jordan Bolton brings together the visual language of comics with the heartfelt language of poetry to explore the fleeting moments that unite us - heartbreak, loneliness, loss, joy and love. Collecting his beloved artwork together for the first time with the addition of new and unseen comics, Blue Sky Through the Window of a Moving Car is a gentle reminder that we are all ordinary, extraordinary and connected.

‘Truthful observations of things and thoughts unsaid.’
Matthew Johnstone, author of bestselling I Had a Black Dog

Auteur Bolton, Jordan
Editeur Ebury Press
Année 2024
Format In-8
Reliure relié(s)
Volume 1
ISBN-13 9781529905410
ISBN-10 1529905419
Réf. interne 461961
Commentaire 128 pages - Langue : Anglais -
Tous les livres de la rubrique
Paulette Blonay, Jacarbo (Dessins)
Blue Sky Through the Window of a Moving Car: Comics for beautiful, awful and ordinary days
Blue Sky Through the Window of a Moving Car: Comics for beautiful, awful and ordinary days
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