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BABOK V3 Revision Guide: CBAP / CCBA / ECBA Certifications

BABOK V3 Revision Guide: CBAP / CCBA / ECBA Certifications

Srivastava, Mr Abhishek

Independently published
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Synopsis This book is authored with the intention of creating a quick revision guide for IIBA Business Analysis body of knowledge (BABOK) guide v3.0 for CBAP, CCBA and ECBA certification preparation exam.We have not written this guide as an alternative to BABOK v3.0. Instead it is written as a concise and summarised version of BABOK to help you in quick revision of BABOK. What’s more, we have added revision exercises at the end of every chapter.So, How to use it?This book should be used once you have gone through BABOK . Going through the 500 pages again is difficult and time consuming. This book allows you to revise quickly. The book is a total of 300 pages with around 250 pages for BABOK summarised version (50% reduction) and remaining 50 pages devoted to chapter wise exercises.The guide is meant for professionals who are planning to undertake ECBA, CCBA or CBAP certification examination.This revision guide captures the key concepts, definitions, business analysis practices as mentioned in the BABOK guide. To really understand the thought process behind this revision guide, consider your university exam and the notes you used to create for every exam. This is essentially a guide comprising of important notes. For best results, this revision guide must be picked up after you have gone through the BABOK guide once. If you are planning for ECBA certification, please read it keeping in mind the knowledge areas weightages applicable for ECBA.
Auteur Srivastava, Mr Abhishek
Editeur Independently published
Année 2019
Format In-8
Reliure broché(s)
Volume 1
Langue Anglais
ISBN-13 9781072985419
ISBN-10 1072985411
Réf. interne 463429
Commentaire 300 pages
Tous les livres de la rubrique
Gorges, Florent
Michael Keukert
Très bon 
BABOK V3 Revision Guide: CBAP / CCBA / ECBA Certifications
BABOK V3 Revision Guide: CBAP / CCBA / ECBA Certifications
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