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Adaptive Strategies for Small-Handed Pianists

Adaptive Strategies for Small-Handed Pianists

Deahl, Lora

Oxford University Press
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Synopsis Adaptive Strategies for Small-Handed Pianists brings together information from biomechanics, ergonomics, physics, anatomy, medicine, and piano pedagogy to focus on the subject of small-handedness. The first comprehensive study of its kind, the book opens with an overview of historical, anatomical, and pedagogical perspectives and redresses long-held biases concerning those who struggle at the piano because of issues with hand size. A discussion of work efficiency, the human anatomy, and the constraints of physics serves as the theoretical basis for a focused analysis of healthy movement and piano technique as they relate to small-handedness. Separate chapters deal with specific alternative approaches: redistribution, refingering, strategies to maximize reach and power, and musical solutions for technical problems. Richly illustrated with hundreds of examples from a wide range of piano repertoire, the book is an incomparable resource for piano teachers and students, written in language that is accessible to a broad audience. It balances scholastic rigor with practical experience in the field to demonstrate that the unique physical and musical needs of the small-handed can be addressed in sensitive and appropriate ways.
Auteur Deahl, Lora
Editeur Oxford University Press
Année 2017
Format In-8
Reliure broché(s)
Volume 1
Langue Anglais
ISBN-13 9780190616854
ISBN-10 0190616857
Réf. interne 458213
Commentaire 304 pages - Langue : Anglais
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Adaptive Strategies for Small-Handed Pianists
Adaptive Strategies for Small-Handed Pianists
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